The Energy of Sunshine

Hi Everyone!

—Sunshine and its power to heal-

Enjoy the sunshine and its power to heal relish nature and her beauty

A big warm WELCOME to my first sharing of ideas, experiences, and thoughts on this new website. It’s really a commotion for me to shift from one Tech provider to another and at the same time, a nice opportunity to stretch my learning how to do this technology….not my strong skill set. A new beginning this is!

My thoughts to begin with are about SUNSHINE! It’s here! Finally the usual June gloom here is done and it was a doozy. These gloom and grey days with no sunshine have been longer than usual and as a person of high sensitivities, I was beginning to be gloom and grey. The grey was sapping my energy and the gloom was feeling sad. All of it…mental, spiritual, and physical. I was slogging through the days and I could feel the downward pull into sadness.

Thinking,…perhaps a new idea is called for to lift my spirits. Well, no sooner had I begun contemplating then taa daaa, a call of celebration saying today was a day the sun will say hello! I was beyond thrilled. I couldn’t wait to feel it, see it, and bask in its warmth. It was a day of new beginnings.

The sun has been shinning every day this week and the gloom and grey are no longer prevalent. One morning I went to the farmer’s market and was astonished at the vibrancy of flowers exploding with their colors, ripe strawberries and cherries ready to eat, and veggies that almost jumped in my basket. All the vendors had smiles that made my spirit soar. All the signs that summer is here and is welcomed with open arms!

Thinking and contemplating…..sunshine and health. A must share!


Did you know? With these longer days we intuitively spend more time in the magnificence and healing of nature. Come out and play it says. Take a vacation or staycation and have more fun.

Hang out on the beach, park or backyard, sit on a bench and take in the fresh air. The sights and sounds of nature improves our physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. It’s about feeling alive from the inside!

Another sunshine bonus is it boosts our vitamin D levels and that can improve our mood (no gloom!) which leads to better mental health. Vitamin D definitely plays a role in warding off depression, easing anxiety, and benefits your oral health. It also plays a crucial role in keeping your bones and teeth healthy.

Summer days can make us feel lighter ande time, be sure and protect your eyes with UV filtering sunglasses, wear long sleeves and a brimm brighter, sleep better and feel better too because the power of sunshine is very real. At the samed hat that covers your face and neck, use sunscreen, and hydrate often.

If you’re a highly sensitive person, be extra sure to have sunglasses, hat with a brim, and stay hydrated. Carry a water bottle and listen to your highly sensitive soul! Preparation is key.

Sunshine and happy times!

Elizabeth Ashton


Managing Anxiety In An Anxious World